Did you know that red meat can be included as part of a healthy diet? Thanks to Texas Longhorns, today’s health-conscious consumer doesn’t have to avoid tender, juicy steaks. Longhorn beef is leaner than other breeds and is lower in saturated fats. Packed full of flavor, Longhorn beef has less cholesterol and calories than white meat. Including lean beef in a heart-healthy diet can positively impact blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that eating lean beef can help increase ‘good’ cholesterol and reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol in people with elevated cholesterol levels.
Beef is the best source of protein, zinc and Vitamin B12 and is the third best source of iron in the food supply. Beef is also a good source of selenium, which may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer (such as prostate) as well as enhance the body’s ability to fight infections. That’s definitely good news for carnivores who crave a healthy lifestyle!

Does Longhorn taste different? Yes, it's much leaner than Angus beef. Fat wise it's much more comparable to venison than it is other beef. Much of the fat on a longhorn is what is called trim fat, and there really isn't much of that either. Longhorn is incredibly lean.
Today, more than ever, people are constantly looking for better alternatives than packing house store cut meat. The old days of the butcher shops where the beef producers saw every step of the process has gone to the wayside. Now you buy meat at the grocery store, unaware of where it came from, unaware of the health of the animal, unaware of the care taken to produce the very food you're planning to put on your family's table. In today's world of feed-lot beef with heavy corn and grain feeding for added fat,
we've taken a different, more natural approach. We raise our Longhorns with appreciation for the flavor and natural health benefits these cattle impart in their beef.
When nature crafted the Texas Longhorn, the result was an efficient converter of forage into meat that is lower in saturated fat and high in healthy fats and protein. Longhorn is "the other red meat", much healthier than the beef is you bought at the grocery store. The beef tests lower in cholesterol and higher in protein, "also higher in vitamin A and Omega 3 fatty acids, all crucial in reducing cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure". Naturally raised grass-fed beef has less overall fat, more protein and few calories than grain-fed beef. Grass-fed and finished beef is an excellent source of high-quality protein selenium, zinc, iron, phosphorous, and the B-complex vitamins. It is superior to grain-fed beef because it is higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and lower in calories.
Why is Longhorn beef not more available? There are a couple simple economics reasons. 1) If you look at the markets, all beef breeds end with the outcome of meat on the table. All but Longhorns that is. While the Longhorn beef is extremely healthy and delicious the butchering side of the Longhorn market is usually the last market we touch. Our cattle are more profitable selling as seed stock to raise very marketable cattle for other programs. Our bulls and our steers are typically the only ones who become delicious heart healthy Longhorn beef. So about 30% of Longhorns are actually butchered compared to a much higher percentage of other beef breeds. 2) Longhorns do not gain weight as fast as the other beef breeds. Because of that they simply don't produce the pounds per head. Even though the meat is much healthier very few ranchers are willing to take the pay cut to raise Longhorns.
Why should I buy local Longhorn? 1) It's the healthiest red meat you'll find. 2) It's primarily grass fed with zero growth hormones or steroids added. 3) You know exactly what you're getting. How do you know the beef you buy in the grocery store is Angus which it claims? The quality of Longhorn hamburger consists of some of the best parts of the cow where the quality of the grocery store hamburger consists of random scrap cuts they grind into a pile.
Will you ship out of state? Our butcher is located in north Florida. Depending on how far you're willing to drive or how much you're willing to pay our driver we will deliver anywhere.